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If not now, then when? Apply for DHL@SHA today!

This is the season! The season for conferences and networking and being inspired by innovation, trends, and best practices in the field. You have been encouraged by supervisors to take advantage of meetings of museum professionals; or, you have individually taken the initiative to develop yourself as a better leader. Usually, we fall into a spectrum – sometimes we get external support and sometimes we are internally motivated.

No matter what your individual case may be, take a moment to consider applying for Developing History Leaders @SHA (DHL@SHA) this year. Yes, the applications are due on Monday; but, if not now, then when?!?! During the seminar, you will learn from experts in the field, you will be supported by like-minded colleagues from around the nation, and you will experience increased confidence in your own abilities and your potential as a leader.

People are always a little worried about the time commitment. Yes, it’s a lot of time. However, it is well worth it! Speak with any of the alumni or seminar faculty and you might just be overwhelmed by the amount of enthusiasm there is not only for the seminar itself, but for the need to have such a concentrated time commitment. I would not have had it any other way.

So, take a few minutes and tell us why you should be in this year’s class! Why are you a natural leader already? What skills are you hoping to build? Where do you see yourself in five years? Take a deep breath, take the initiative, and fill out that application today!

Dina Bailey (SHA ’10), National Center for Civil and Human Rights