The Case for SHA


Guest post by Dawn Weaver, SHA Class of 2017

Three weeks! What kind of seminar lasts for three weeks?

  • A seminar that brings engaged individuals from the history field together, in the Midwest, to take a critical look at what’s happening in the field. A critical, intensive look at topics like conservation, classic design and cutting-edge design, interpretation of the difficult topics like racism, decolonization and inclusion, and political advocacy.
  • A seminar that opens a window on financial management and how the bottom line effects everything else that we do, with real-world answers and a toolkit that you can use.
  • A seminar that leads a conversation as to the relevance of our passion and how to advance the relevance of it for many years to come, and forces us, as an individual and as a group to dive deeper for more answers and for where we fit into the bigger picture

This is a time apart, away from the daily pressures, to meet and make a band of companions from a disparate group of other professionals with similar passion and drive.

This is a nesting place for ideas and ‘aha’ moments, with a support group standing by with encouragement and support and more ideas than you can come up with yourself.

When this opportunity presents itself before you, do not turn a blind eye. Do not even think that you do not have the time. You do not have the time NOT to do this. Make a plan and make it happen. You will not regret it!

Dawn Weaver is the Manager of the Musgrove Mill State Historic Site in Clinton, South Carolina.

About Max van Balgooy

President of Engaging Places LLC, a design and strategy firm that connects people to historic places.

Posted on December 4, 2017, in community engagement, Seminar for Historical Administration and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on The Case for SHA.

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